Thursday, May 31, 2012

Blog wrap up

Thank you for looking through my blog. This year taught me many new things, it was entertaining and a good experience. I learned from internet safety to making a smart board out of Wii motes. This was a great year and I hope to have more in the future.

Thank You
Cade Harvey

Blog intro

This is my blog for e-kids, I'm currently an 8th grader at rapid run middle school taking interests in science,music,and tech. Some of my achievements include singing at a western southern tennis opening, singing god bless america. I also was in a Ted-X  youth day event( the first at Oak Hills). I love to preform on stage and like reading as well. I hope you enjoy my blog.


 Total: Amount of tap hours 24
Assignments:Create a Storyjumper book online that tells a story of a person from ancient China, create a prezi that explains the different Christmas traditions, create handheld lesson plans for bio, and making a smartboard out of Wii motes.
Teachers who assigned: Mcdonald,Harvey,Whipp,Price, Chenalt.

Netiquitte quiz

Jules has walked away from a lab computer without logging off. Trish sits down and, still logged in as Jules, sends inflammatory e-mail messages out to a number of students and posts similar messages on the class newsgroup.
Trish is sending mean emails under somebody else's account. I think it is terrible that somebody would do that because any info on the web can be stolen or looked at by anyone giving the person who sent those letters a bad reputation. Another sanrio without computers would be note passing between people and pretending a person wrote it when they really didn’t. A way to solve this problem is to make sure you wait for your computer to completely turn off to prevent any issues.

Lester sends e-mail to the entire student body inviting them to a BYOB party at his house while his parents are out of town. Lester receives a message from a system administrator calling him in for a meeting with school officials. He objects because he feels that his email is his own private business.
Lester sent  an email that the school saw, to all his friends about an unsupervised party. I think he is partially correct about his privacy but he needs to understand nothing is safe on the web. This could happen just as easily as a gossip scenario, where this info leaked out through the school.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Lesson plans for handhelds


-how other schools have successfully integrated the use of handhelds

into schools by reviewing the sites within the Handhelds - “Where to
begin doc”

At José Martí Middle School in Union City, Fifth-grade classes in three Logan schools - Adams - use iPods for math.

Explore uses for the Apple iPod Touches within the classroom
ACT explorer
Note Master
Graphing calculator

-generate ideas about uses in the classroom and create a lesson plan to use them with a classroom.
-use for quizzes, surveys
-use for classroom activities, such as projects, studying, ect.
-Help kids find new uses of studying
-Create flashcards
-Access internet, and online assignments at home

Lesson Plan
1.) Teacher downloads the main app, “Socrative.”
2.) Teacher creates quiz and finalizes it.
3.) Get school iPods and pass them out to the students.
4.) Make sure they are on a school Wifi connection.
5.) Have students download the app “Socrative.”
6.) Teacher shares the room number with the students..
7.) Students enter the room (ex. enter 0000108), then wait for the quiz to begin.
8.) They put their name in like Last Name, First Name.
9.) Students take the quiz.
10.) Teacher then takes results and go over them with students.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Web 2.0 project Module 2

 This is a video of how to get onto sweet search my web 2.0 project. Sweet search is a safe search engine for kids that blocks any game websites or websites that have nothing to do with educational values. Other features it contains is a social studies website that gives you the latest and the oldest news. This would be good in a class because teachers would not have to worry as much about kids goofing off or seeing things they aren't supposed to.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Google apps Module 2

This is my Google app aviary. Aviary is a digital arts program that edits music and images and saves them on your computer.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Web 2.0 project Unit 24

Classroom  2.0 is an online social networking site for teachers to communicate about ideas and assignments they give out to help other teachers get more exiting ideas for classroom. Teachers can also post there worksheets and homework they have. Teachers can also comment on any thing posted. Its kind of like facebook for teachers. Teachers can also post kids problems to get help to help the kid weather its online or in school. You have to be 18 years old or older and have to give info of were you work, it also has a user name and password.

portfolio This is a link to my online portfolio that I created this year. We worked on this in homeroom and presented it during parent and teacher conferences.

copy write quiz unit 4

                                                                                                        NAME:Cade Harvey
Use the spaces provided to answer the following questions.

1. What is meant by copyright?
That nobody else can use whatever you are trying to copy write. If they do not obey they are arrested.

2. What is intellectual property?
A work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights to.

3. What is meant by fair use?
Fair use means that other people are aloud to quote about copy write items.

4. Suppose you find a graphic on the Web that you want to use. What must you do? List three possible actions.
1.check to make sure it is not copywrite.
2.Request permission if it is copywrite.
3.Site the source to give the Creator his credit.

5. List three pieces of information that need to be included in a citation for an online resource.
1. Name of company
2. date

web citations worksheet unit 4

1. An image from a website:

2. Facts or written information from a website: Here are some post that refer to the schools matinince and computer problems
OHLSDupdates Moodle is updated! Google Docs is now an option when adding files.
OHLSDupdates On Wednesday, Nov 10 (3:30-4:30), Moodle will be down to complete an update. ·
OHLSDupdates On Wednesday, Nov. 2nd (3:00 pm) Moodle will be down for brief maintenance.

3. Facts or written information from an email:

We in the Oak Hills Local School District are pleased to be able to offer our students, staff and guests access to computer technology, including access to the Internet, certain online services, and the Oak Hills information technology network.   We are dedicated to access and support of appropriate technology which unlocks our potential and connects us locally and globally.  We envision a learning environment where technology is a part of us, not apart from us.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Unit 3 Google app project

Google app project.

Our assignment in e-kids was to find an educational Google app. Mine was aviary. A music and art program, designed to create and edit virtually any image or music on your computer. Not only can you edit but you can also start from scratch making your on songs or images from your creativity. If this was to be used in class it could offer more ways to let kids branch out and discover new things. Aviary is also free making it easier to fit in the schools budget, and since its powered by Google its with the school contract. Its easy to find and takes less than a minute to load. I hope this program is used more often in our creative and preforming arts program at our school

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

E-kids poster assignment

The assignment was to make a poster protesting against cyber-bullying on social networking sites. The poster shows a computer on a desk with hurtful words coming from it, it also shows logos of socail networking sites with the URL's changed like turned into Myfeelings.hurt.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

teacher assignment

My teacher assignment was to make an example prezi for the 6th grade social study's class presenting the different traditions of Christmas in america through a prezi.I had to explain what was a religious tradition and what wasn't. I also had to explain each traditions origin.I worked a total of 10 hours on this project from presenting and creating the prezi. I created this with Mr.Harvey and presented it to his first core. After I presented I aided the students in creating there own prezi. Mr.Harvey said I did a great job but could have been more specific in the prezi.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

tedx youth day event    This is a link to our Ted-X presentation. Our group spent about 2 months preparing for this event and we worked on it almost every day during e-kids. The presentation was on social networking and cyber bullying. We tried to stress the importance of bullying through a skit and Prezi. It was a fun and exciting event that was broadcasted on the internet. When I preformed I got nervous and stumbled on the first few words but I quickly gained back my confidence and said each word after that perfectly. The next time I present this I want to fell confident and not stumble.