Wednesday, January 25, 2012

E-kids poster assignment

The assignment was to make a poster protesting against cyber-bullying on social networking sites. The poster shows a computer on a desk with hurtful words coming from it, it also shows logos of socail networking sites with the URL's changed like turned into Myfeelings.hurt.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

teacher assignment

My teacher assignment was to make an example prezi for the 6th grade social study's class presenting the different traditions of Christmas in america through a prezi.I had to explain what was a religious tradition and what wasn't. I also had to explain each traditions origin.I worked a total of 10 hours on this project from presenting and creating the prezi. I created this with Mr.Harvey and presented it to his first core. After I presented I aided the students in creating there own prezi. Mr.Harvey said I did a great job but could have been more specific in the prezi.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

tedx youth day event    This is a link to our Ted-X presentation. Our group spent about 2 months preparing for this event and we worked on it almost every day during e-kids. The presentation was on social networking and cyber bullying. We tried to stress the importance of bullying through a skit and Prezi. It was a fun and exciting event that was broadcasted on the internet. When I preformed I got nervous and stumbled on the first few words but I quickly gained back my confidence and said each word after that perfectly. The next time I present this I want to fell confident and not stumble.